Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homemade Facial Cleanser, cheap and easy!

For years I have been buying and trying different facial cleansers and moisturizers, looking for the best one for my skin type. I have acne prone skin (even in my late 20's!), and it is extremely sensitive. So, I need some type of gentle cleanser, with no dyes or fragrance, in addition to something with acne fighting properties. I would also like something that has antioxidants, since those are extremely healthy for your skin (supposed to help fight free radicals and reduce appearance of fine lines  :0) ).

Unfortunately, the products that have the antioxidants are usually the products that have oils (mostly natural, healthy oils); those do not go well with my already acne prone skin. Even the products with tea tree oil, and jojoba oil don't work for me.

After doing much research and testing, I found the best facial cleanser for my skin....and it's homemade! That makes it mostly natural, and cheap!

  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 packet green tea
  • 1 tbsp honey OR 1 tbs puree (pumpkin or sweet potato)

Add baking soda to small jar (I use a baby food jar). Add lemon juice. Mixture should bubble. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well. Your cleanser should be at a thick paste consistency, similar to brownie mix. If it is too thick, or dry, add a little bit of water. Not too much, you want to be able to scoop your facial cleanser out with your finger.

To use, warm your face up with a warm wash cloth. place about a teaspoon of your mixture onto your fingertips. Rub on face in gentle circular motions.

Rinse off thoroughly with warm water, or use a washcloth.


I keep my cleanser refrigerated if I put the puree in it.
I use this every day. Occasionally I will use a store bought cleanser with make-up remover at night, but it is not necessary.
I don't use regular moisturizer anymore, since the honey (and even the puree helps) seems to keep my skin moisturized.

Have you had great results with a homemade beauty recipe?


  1. Just wanted to say that I never had acne (to speak of) until I was in my mid-twenties, and now at 37 I still suffer from it!

  2. This recipe sounds awesome!! I'm going to have to try it- your blog has great ideas! Very creative!!!! :)

  3. @Angie I've always had this crazy idea in my head that since my skin was awful as a pre-teen and teenager, it was supposed to be great in my 20's...I was obviously dreaming :0)

  4. @Debbie Thank you! Let me know how it works for you. I have found that my recipe with honey works best for me. Especially while it's still pretty cold outside.

  5. Thanks am going to try this recipe and I hope it works for me p

    1. Let me know how it works! I ended up switching to the oil cleansing method. I have the recipe in a more recent post. Pregnancy hormones had my skin dry and irritated from I'm assuming the baking soda. My daughter is 5 months old, and I am noticing a little more oil again, so I may switch back to the baking soda recipe soon!

  6. Do you use the green tea leaves from the packet? I really want to try this! I have tried the oil cleanse method with sweet almond oil and my acne prone skin seems to get worse around my hairline.

    1. Yes, I use the regular green tea bags. I buy mine at the dollar store.I hope this works for you!

  7. Do you take the tea out of the packet?

  8. My skin it's just like yours. I hope it worksfor me! Do you use lemon juice from bottle or freshly squeezed? Just the green tea leaves or do you steep and use the liquid?

    1. Still hoping for a reply to this question ;-)

  9. This sounds great! Looking forward to trying it.

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